Thursday, April 10, 2008

The old chocolate days!

I had a slice of a "Chocolate on Chocolate" cake today at Prolific Oven. Pretty delicious and ofcourse loaded with calories :-) . It reminds me of the exam days in Madison. I had Trader Joes , a block away from my apartment During the exams i used to eat huge portions of junk food. i used to walk down to the Trader Joes and buy a plethora of food items like veggie chips, my favorite pink lemonade soda, a big tub of salsa, veg cutlets, tandoori masala chips. One of my exam favorites were the chocolate cup cakes i used to buy at Trader Joes. Sitting whole day on the weekend in the apartment, i used to have a delicious feast with the cup cakes and other stuff..somehow eating used to get the exam stress off my mind..Those days were fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are four basic food groups: milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate, and chocolate truffles.
If it ain't chocolate, it ain't breakfast.

"I love chocolate. Have you ever seen a chocolate fountain? It is
wonderful! Check this out.."