Thursday, April 5, 2012

A day in your life is a pie.

I remember that as a child, i used to strive for happiness in everything. There were ups and downs on many days, but the happy days used to be completely happy. On the happy days, i expected everyone in my family to be equally happy as me. If i would discover some problem that any of my family members were facing on that particular day, i would try to resolve it, or atleast as i thought so when i was little :-). I would try to make everything around me perfect so that the day would be happy in every way. Looking back, that was one of those many things that only kids can see and do.
As we grow old, we realize that there is no state as perfect happiness. There will be concurrent issues and problems running in your life and in the parallel lives of your loved ones at all times. You have to steal a moment and confine yourself in the shell of that moment to feel the happiness radiating out of yourself. The combination and presence of different things and parallel lives can not let a 360 degress happiness circle be created.
As an analogy , if a day in your life is a pie then different slices of this pie belong to your relationship with different people. A slice might belong to you and your mom, another one to you and your sibling and so on. All these slices can not be equally sweet on a given day. If you are waiting for the day when you can have all the slices perfectly sweet, then you might be disappointed. Infact instead of waiting for that day, you should grab a small slice from that pie everyday for your relationship with yourself and make it as sweet as you want. At the same time each slice is different. Enjoy any slice that is sweet by itself in a small moment of your day without worrying about the other slices. The slices that are sweet today might not be sweet tomorrow and all the slices might not be sweet simultaneously.
Enough of the pie talk, i hope my analogy got the point across.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happiness is within us. But we look somewhere else and we try to find happiness on the external things, that are bound to change depending on the mood or the bent o fhte mind.

A happiness that is at mind level or body level is bound to change. This is the rule. But happiness at the Soul level, is not of the same nature as the happiness that is at the body or mind level.

When you realize the above truth, you will be always happy in your life, no matter what. This is the reason why intelligent ones who have seen the lows and highs of life have turned towards the Spirituality, that helps oneself to realize that the self is not the body or the mind, but the ever existing soul.