Friday, September 5, 2008

Journey of Life through a Forest.

Life is a journey through a forest out of which no one ever comes out alive.

So what does that mean:
Have full fun while you are in the forest, enjoy the wildlife, the sunny , cloudy as well as the dull days. No use fearing the future or grumbling over the forlorn past. The journey will come to an end one day and near the end there wont be much time left to explore much. And who knows when is the end, so its better do what you always dreamed of, atleast give it a shot and if you fail, you will have the satisfaction of trying to achieve your dream. There are very few who actually achieve their dream, and even few who attempt to achieve it. So give your best shot, relish the juicy sweet fruits on the way, endure the rough waters while crossing the rivers, capture the beauty of the naive wildlife and the deep blue waters, snow capped mountains, lush green grasslands, deep canyons, gorges. There is no end to the list of things you can see, discover and do on your way through the forest. You can have both your hands full. When the journey comes to an end you are either a satisfied traveller who had all the fun possible in the forest and your spirit is beaming with knowledge, discoveries and beauty. On the other hand you could be a traveller who forgot to enjoy the journey and just realzied the journey is over. You are tired, bruised and dissatisfied that you never had the courage to do what you wanted to. So decide how you want to see yourself?
I am going to try and do this from now in my life, its easier said than done i know, but let me give it a shot to be the fun loving traveller of life. (BTW traveller is British english, while traveler is American english).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really good.