Sunday, October 17, 2010

Winter Nostalgia

The cycle of seasons through the year is gradually preparing to enter the winter in the Northern Hemisphere. Winter means different things to different people. It could be the omnipresent white snow, the red Santa and the christmas carols, the joyous time of New Year, foggy days with scanty sunlight, the cashews, raisins and almonds, the warm bonfire and chilly winds, the fragrance of moist days with the early onset of darkness, the hot corn made on the coal fire and covered in lemon and spice, the walk in the evening dressed in warm clothes from head to toe.....
For me winter brings back some very fond memories of some very fond places and people. Delhi, Madison both get a fair share of winter every year although of different magnitudes.At first i welcome Winter with a bittersweet feeling every year, which eventually gets transformed into an acceptance of time rich and replete of cherished memories and also a time to form some new ones...

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