Thursday, March 20, 2008

Schindler's List

Its midnight past and i was trying to sleep since 11:00. Finally gave up and switched on my laptop. Before trying to sleep, i just finished watching Schindler's List , what a movie..I have been pretty bad with World War history so this movie was a huge bank of knowledge for me. I got to know a lot of things which I didnt know. The movie is an enactment of the true history, with nothing altered. Quite disgusting that these incidents actually happened. The movie would leave an impact on anyone, so it forced me to find out some more about the incidents shown in the movie. On searching the web I discovered some shocking facts about 11 million jews being murdered under Nazi regime and their sufferings. Such horrendous acts committed by man which are not justifiable under any plausible explanation, make me think what goes inside the minds of those individuals who commit these crimes. Cheers to Schindler who showed courage and humanity in those times.


Anonymous said...

Good you finally saw this movie. You should have written this blog in 1994. Anyways, better late than never. BTW did any of you friends recommend this movie or you randomly came across this movie :)

Shubhika Taneja said...

Hi Anonymous yes i am glad i finally saw this movie. My friend recommended this movie :-).
Kishan, thanks for suggesting this movie. I will try to find it in the library.